Who doesn’t need some stress relief?!!
There’s medical proof that being with friends, playing with fiber, and learning something new relieves stress and renews spirits!
That’s why the theme of the 2019 CNCH Conference is “Fiber Therapy.” We’ve invited 14 fabulous teachers (we call them “Therapists”) to our workshop-style conference, so mark your calendars for a fiber-related spa-weekend, June 20-23, 2019.
To keep you relaxed & happy, we’re keeping the cost of our conference as low as humanly possible, by taking the suggestion of many and holding it on a college campus: Sonoma State University, in Rohnert Park. Turns out, SSU is very well versed in hosting conferences like ours, since it regularly puts on workshop events for regional quilters, embroiderers, and others.
And lest you start getting anxious about dorm rooms and college food, here are some facts to bring you back into your happy zone: four rooms are arranged around each living area, half single occupancy and half double, and every room has its own bathroom. How relaxing is that? Plus, the cafeteria is set up with many stations for differing tastes, always including vegetarian and gluten free foods, and even boasts an “allergy-free” food area.
If you need to sweat away your cares, there’s a full gym, hot tub, several outdoor pools, and the beautiful campus to jog or walk around in.
As for the workshops, they’re all full two-and-a-half day affairs, so no frenzied classroom-hopping. If you want to dye, get ready to play in the mud. If you’re into spinning, among the offerings will be our favorite spinning zen mistress (hint: she’s an Intentional Spinner). If you weave, you’ll swoon at the choices, including the truly theraputic Saori technique. And if you’re a basketmaker, how about chilling out with a couple of super-famous artists from the south?
So get ready to pack up your favorite fuzzy slippers and join us for CNCH 2019. We’ll have full details on the special events and workshop offerings starting this July, and of course your guild Liaison won’t want to miss the on-site luncheon at Sonoma State this September 29th, when the conference booklets and schedule will be available.
Until then, Namaste!!