We are pleased to announce that Judy Fisher has accepted the new position of online news editor for CNCH. She is a member of the Redwood Empire Handweavers and Spinners Guild. Judy brings vision and enthusiasm to the job, has both online and print experience as an editor, and has a long history with CNCH and textile arts.
The selection committee was thrilled to have three applicants, all of them enthusiastic and very well qualified, and making our decision a difficult one. Thank you all for stepping up and applying.
Judy will be forging a new concept for CNCH communications as we move to a magazine format online. You (CNCH members) have laid some of the groundwork by participating in the survey sent out late last year. Now Judy will be looking to you for continuing support with ideas and contributions. Let her know what is going on in your neighborhood at editor (at) CNCH.org. With your support the first issue will be online by May 1.
Welcome Aboard Judy,
the Communications Committee,
Judith Sorgen, Kris Peerand, Penny Peters, and Erin Maclean