The Silverado Guild is sponsoring a presentation and trunk show with Kongthong Nanthanvongdouangsy in Napa on Thursday July 8th, and workshops on Tuesday and Wednesday July 6th and 7th.
Kongthong is a master weaver who together with her sister owns of the Phaeng Mai Gallery in Vientiane. Kongthong will describe the history and background of the traditional textiles of Laos and the cultural meaning of the cloth. She will also describe the role of the Phaeng Mai Gallery in efforts to keep alive the weaving skills and cultural traditions of her region. Join us to learn more about the place weaving holds in the culture of Laos and the rich symbolism of the designs.
Napa Senior Activity Center, 1500 Jefferson St
Thursday July 8 at 6 pm.
Coffee and cookies
Lecture starts at 7 p.m.
A $5 contribution is requested.
A trunk showing and sale of these exquisite textiles will follow the presentation.
For more information contact: or call Barbara Stafford at 707.224.3229
Workshop for Weavers: Tuesday July 6 and/or Wednesday July 7
Kongthong Nanthanvongdouangsy will hold two days of workshops on Traditional Lao Weaving Techniques. This will be an informal gathering of up to 10 weavers. There will be some flexibility in format and subject matter but will include a presentation describing the traditional Lao weave structures with an emphasis on the supplemental technique followed by hands-on weave design and practice. Necessary supplies and equipment will be provided. Workshops will be in Barbara Stafford’s back yard and studio using the Harrisville rug loom rigged to carry the Lao loom assembly.
You will not need to bring any supplies but a notebook and camera might be useful.
Tuesday July 6 and/or Wednesday July 7
Time: 10 a.m. – 4 pm or???
Location: 1520 Seminary Street, Napa
Lunch: bring, eat out or take out at local restaurants – several within walking distance.
Fee: $30/day.
Call Susan Greer 510-236-3837, or email <>edu to register.