Pat Stewart will give a slide program sharing her approach to designing block double weave on 8 shafts, from ideas on how to design profile drafts to techniques for visualizing thread by thread drafts. Included will be a technique for weaving 3 or 4-treadling block drafts (which usually requires 12 or 16 treadles) on no more than 10 treadles (with no more than 2 treadles pressed simultaneously and no retying of treadles). Besides extensive handouts, Pat will make available a couple dozen profile drafts and several full drafts of her 8-shaft weavings as WIF drafts, which any weaving program can open and manipulate.
June 4th, 11 AM, (business meeting at 10)
St. John’s United Church of Christ, 501 Laguna Honda Blvd., San Francisco, CA 94124