Warm and Cozy Fabulous Functional Fiber Fest is a fabric, fiber, weaving, spinning, textile arts show.
- Opens November 18, runs through New Year’s Eve at Clear Heart Gallery, 368-B Petaluma N. Blvd, Petaluma, CA 94952.
- Open to fiber artists living in California, from the Redwood Empire and Bay Area, to the hills of Big Sur and the Santa Lucias.
- Artists must be working in fabric, textiles, weaving, quilting, any work that fits the theme, “Warm & Cozy”.
- All works accepted must be FOR SALE and Clear Heart Gallery will be consigning the works, with 60% going to the artist.
- Large works up to quilt size are encouraged. Smaller gift-size items such as blankets, sweaters, socks, caps are especially encouraged. Although we use the term loosely, we are looking for FUNCTIONAL works. Installations and highly abstract decorative pieces will be given the lowest priority for this show. We will consider plush / dolls / figures.
- Submission deadline is Wednesday, October 5, 2011. Please email no more, and no fewer, than TEN .jpg images, each no smaller than 100KB, and no larger than 1MB. We are not so interested in your resume as in your completed, ready-to-consign works.
- Email: chickenscatch@yahoo.com -please note the spelling in that email; there is no letter “R” in “chickenscatch”! If you do not have computer access, please mail your photos to us in enough time that you meet the deadline! You will be given equal consideration to all other submissions. If you need your submissions returned, include a SASE. Questions? Call John Ton at (707) 322-0009