
Okay, you caught me, we are not really making thrumsicles (though might catch on as a new way to floss).  We will be creating Thrum Necklaces next Monday night, March 18, 2013, at the Tamalpais Textile Arts Guild meeting.  Who does not have thrums to spare?  Who feels a little guilty about tossing perfectly good 18 in lengths of yarn away?  Who wants to re-purpose and re-use yarn that has special attachment (first weaving project, first attempts at spinning).  Then please join us, gusts welcome, Dotti Day instructing.  Bring scissors.

Monday, March 18, 7 pm

Marin Art and Garden Center, 30 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Ross

Gallery of the Marin Society of Artists, turn right at the end of the parking lot after you enter form SFD gate

Posted in Guild News, Tamalpais Textile Arts Guild.