The first meeting of the new fiscal year was held on Saturday September 28th and we were thrilled to get Adriane Nicolaisen to speak of her 2 1/2 years at Philadelphia University getting her Master of Science in Textiles. She spent many hours with their dobby and jacquard looms and produced many fabulous fabrics. She currently has an exhibit of these intricate textiles entitled “Finding Art in the Industrial Weaving Process: My Masters Thesis on Sheer Fabrics and the Struggle to Keep my Fabrics Alive” at Pacific Textile Arts 45o Alger St Fort Bragg, CA. PTA is open Thursday 1:30-3:30; Saturday 11-1 or by appointment. Check out our website for other news.
Mendocino Coast Handweavers
Posted in Mendocino Coast Handweavers.