Grants are available for CNCH 2016 for full registration fee. One grant will be awarded in each of our five areas of CNCH. The grant is not need based and are judged anonymously. The funding for the grants comes from special events at previous conferences such as raffles.
To apply for a grant you need to complete the application posted under “Forms” on the left of this site, or Click Here. The due date is Jan 4. They can be sent electronically according to the instructions on the application. A candidate may not have been awarded this grant during the past 5 years.
You need to register for the conference (registration begins Jan 3). The committee will make a decision by Jan 15 and you will be notified. Once it is determined that you have registered and are a member of a guild, you will be sent a check for registration.
This is a special opportunity to attend a conference with free registration so you are encouraged to apply. You may be asked by the 2016 Committee to help in a small way at the conference.