CNCH Fall Liaison Meeting
Saturday, October 7, 2017
4:30-6:00 pm
Madden Hall Annex
Dixon May Fair Grounds
655 South 1 st Street, Dixon, California
Dear CNCH Liaisons and Guild Presidents,
As many of you now know, there will not be a CNCH sponsored conference for 2018 due to Convergence 2018 taking place in Reno, Nevada, next July. The CNCH by-laws call for a Fall Liaison meeting and although we are not sponsoring a conference, we are participating in activities at Convergence and have
information to share with you.
Unlike other Liaison meetings, this meeting will take place during the Lambtown Festival in Dixon. We encourage you to visit for details of all the events scheduled for the both October 7 th && 8 th . This will not be a lunch meeting so there are no other costs other than your travel associated with the meeting. While the meeting is short, we feel that we can cover the important topics in the time allowed and you can enjoy the Lambtown events at your leisure.
Dixon is located 8 miles west of Davis and 5 miles east of Vacaville. Activities and events include a vendor market, a sheep to shawl demonstration, and more. Lambtown Festival is scheduled for 9:00 am to 6 pm on Saturday and 9:00 am to 4 pm on Sunday. There is a general admission of $5.00. Parking is
We realize this is short notice but hope that will not keep you or another of your guild representatives from attending. One of the agenda highlights is the announcement of not just one but two Convergence grants for 2018.
We hope to see you there.
Yours truly,
Your CNCH Advisory Council
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