For the next issue of CNCHnet, I would like to focus on creativity. How do you stoke your creativity? Do you have a list of projects you want to do and, when you’re ready, start the one that calls to you. Do you read about other artists in your media to see if that triggers your imagination? Do you go to art shows and museums to see if a visual key will awaken your artistic muse?
Do find new ideas when alone and undisturbed or do you like to bounce ideas off of other creative types and be inspired by differing viewpoints?
What do you do when you think you’ve run out of ideas? How do you keep yourself motivated? If you can answer just one of the above questions, tell us how it works for you.
This issue of CNCHnet is coming out a few days after the end of CNCH 2014. I hope many of you went and I wish that all of you could have gone. I’ve always found that CNCH has inspired me to do something interesting and creative. Inspiration and Education have always been the goal of these gatherings.
Judy Fisher, Editor