This is where I encourage you, dear readers, to write about your latest forays connected with the fiber arts.
Summer is almost over. What did you enter in the County Fair? Did any guild enter a Sheep to Shawl competition? Did you give and/or take any workshops that were stimulating and fun?
How about your recreational reading. Did you come across any novels that featured a fiber art as an important part of it. Let’s put together a list of good reads!
Has your Guild written/updated it’s history lately? Polish it and send it to me. If you’re too shy to do that I may be putting the squeeze on you the next time you see me. You can’t hide forever!
If you’ve taken or given any workshops this Summer, tell us about them. If you’ve figured out a new way to do an old chore, let us know, too.
This is your magazine and it needs your input!
Hope to hear from you soon,
Judy Fisher, Editor