Color is the theme and the subject of this issue of CNCHnet. Beautiful blues and green predominates as we discover thing about indigo past and present. We are also traveling to Bali to check out basketry that is an integral part of daily life on the island.
If you feel out of your element when it comes to color, Nadine Sanders has offered an outline to improve your color sense and use.
Closer to home in distance and in time is the Loom and Shuttle Guild’s show, Woven Together:Experience & Expression, up until February 12 at the Sanchez Art Center in Pacifica. Also, we are highlighting West County Fiber Arts in Sebastopol as the newest place to take courses on a variety of fiber arts.
We learn, too, about the history and goings-on of the Humboldt Weavers and Spinners. So sit back and enjoy the Spring issue of CNCHnet.
Judy Fisher, Editor