CNCH 2025 JHall







Hands-on Drawloom Weaving
Joanne Hall

drawloom Don’t miss this rare opportunity: Drawloom weaving comes to you! If you’ve always wanted to get hands-on experience with this double-harness loom set-up, now is your chance! We’ll have three working looms at this workshop so you can play with traditional or modern designs with many extra pattern shafts.

And here’s something else: there’s an option in this workshop to bring your own countermarch or counterbalance floor loom if you want to! You’ll come with your loom warped, and Joanne will teach you how to create these fancy patterns without the fancy attachment!

But if you want to leave your loom at home, you’ll still get a great experience on the pre-warped looms waiting for you at the workshop, with the nation’s top drawloom teacher.

SKILL LEVEL: Know how to read a weaving draft,  be able to warp a loom and follow weaving and treadling instructions.

EQUIPMENT: Basic items including scissors, tape measure, pencil, graph paper 10 per inch,  notebook for taking notes.



Joanne Hall is a weaver, teacher and author of five weaving books, including “Drawloom Weaving, an introduction to warping and weaving on a drawloom”.  She taught at the University of Montana and Cal Poly in California.  She specializes in decorative Swedish weaves,  drawloom weaving, band weaving and tapestry.  Knowledgeable about looms, she teaches on all looms, from rigid heddle and backstrap to the drawloom. She teaches classes from beginning to advanced weaving in her studio in Montana and for art centers, folk schools, weaving shops, guilds, conferences and in other weaver’s studios.

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