TEXTILE <span class='sans serif'>*</span> GAMES – Final Lap

We are coming around that last bend before CNCH finally arrives and  can almost see and feel the glory of the high Sierra. This is brand new territory for most of us so the CNCH committee thought you might like a check list  that you can refer to before you leave and also have on hand once you arrive  to get your weekend off to a […]

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TEXTILE <span class=sans serif> * </span> GAMES: The Story of the Maroon and Cream Handwoven Coverlet

Note:  This is the story of a coverlet assembled by the Mother Lode Weavers and Spinners Guild.  It will be on display at CNCH 2013 in Squaw Valley.  Along with this story, will be a diagram showing the weavers and pattern names, when known, for each of the squares.   Jewel Wedegartner gave me the twenty […]

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TEXTILE <span class='sans serif'> * </span> GAMES – News Flash!

The CNCH 2013 committee has fantastic news. As of April 1, (no, we aren’t fooling) you will have the opportunity to register for individual conference workshops and lectures at a price of $75 per class (plus any materials fee applicable to the class you choose). These are the same classes that are being taught at […]

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TEXTILE <span class='sans serif'> * </span> GAMES – Lanyard Competition

Time to Start Thinking about the Lanyard Competition.   Are you making a lanyard for the CNCH 2013 competition? Have you started yet??? If you signed up during registration to make one, you probably read the instructions in the booklet and know that this will be used to hold your registration packet. But, if you […]

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Emergency Appeal – San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles

Dear Friends: It has come time to share with you the difficult news that the Museum is under serious financial duress, and if we don’t raise $80,000 for operating costs by March 31 the Museum will be forced to close in the near future. All areas of revenue at the Museum have experienced a decline […]

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TEXTILE <span class='sans serif'> * </span> GAMES – The Drop Spindle Slalom Race

I had a conversation with Sue Robertson who is organizing the drop spindle slalom just so that I could pass on all the “fine print” rules that weren’t mentioned in the CNCH booklet. It turns out you may use your own spindle, or race officials will lend you one of their super duper CD spindles. […]

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TEXTILE <span class='sans serif'>*</span> GAMES — What Do You Have

Are you hesitant to start winding a warp because you fear you will run out of hand spun yarn before you complete the process?  What about weft?  How much are you going to need to weave the complete project? These questions keep a lot of us from using up that stash of hand spun yarns […]

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Anita Luvera Mayer is a name that many weavers already know.  Some may know her personally through guild membership or one of  the workshops she has taught over the years.  During her weaving life, Anita’s art has expanded from weaving rectangular pieces such as throws, scarves and shawls  to her current love of lavishly embellished handwoven clothing.  Read […]

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TEXTILE <span class ='sans serif'> * </span> GAMES – Small Baskets, Big Rewards

There are many techniques for making baskets and basket makers are like all other weavers; their skill takes practice and sometimes years to perfect. Alternate year conferences can be a good time to try something new and this year we are fortunate to have more classes than usual in basket making techniques. I thought you […]

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Calling All Entries for the Textile Parade!

A friend of mine recently commented that she looks forward to conference because, for her, the benefits come in interaction with other fiber folks.  Since this is true for her, then I suspect it may be true for many other attendees.  The Textile Parade idea was hatched so that everyone can show off their special […]

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