Message from the CNCH Advisory Council

        Conference of Northern California Handweavers, Inc. P.O. Box 191119 Sacramento CA 95819-1119   Message from the CNCH Advisory Council   Welcome to 2019! CNCH Sonoma is drawing closer and closer and promises to be another great conference. I have some news to share with you. Eight years ago Judy Fisher walked […]

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Treadles invites all fiber enthusiasts to our Annual Winery event. A day of spinning at a beautiful Livermore winery with friends and California vendors who cater to fiber lovers. Bring your wheel and a pot-luck dish to share for lunch. AND, we’ll have another great raffle with items you just can’t live without. Water, soda, […]

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Redwood Fiber Arts Presents Lisa Trujillo – May 2 – 5

Chimayo Weaving Begun in the early years of the twentieth century, this style is basically two stripes and a center design. The stripes are clearly derived from the Rio Grande blanket, and the center design is an outgrowth of Saltillo tapestry techniques. Along with a uniform texture obtained by the use of commercial yarn from […]

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Convergence Grant Winners

Congratulations to our two awardees, Bill Jackson of Redwood Fiber Guild and Anne Shyjan of Foothill Fibers Guild. We had a record number of applications this year probably due to the close proximity of Convergence in Reno. Bill was awarded the $1000 grant that was from a specially designated fund and it is awarded every […]

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Spinning at the Winery 2018

This fun annual event needs to change from its usual first week-end in June to May 19, 2018 this year. Plenty of time to get it on your calendar. If you are not familiar with this Spring Event, its a day to destress with a picnic at a lovely Livermore winery with fiber friends from […]

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Convergence Grant Deadline: January 15

                  Are you signed up for Convergence this July in Reno? Well, you have a good chance to receive either a $1000 or a $500 grant from CNCH! All you must do to qualify is go to this link, fill out the application, then save and email […]

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2017 Fall Liaison Meeting

CNCH Fall Liaison Meeting Saturday, October 7, 2017 4:30-6:00 pm Madden Hall Annex Dixon May Fair Grounds 655 South 1 st Street, Dixon, California Dear CNCH Liaisons and Guild Presidents, As many of you now know, there will not be a CNCH sponsored conference for 2018 due to Convergence 2018 taking place in Reno, Nevada, […]

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July 28 to September 3, 2017 International Fiber Arts VIII Sepastopol, CA (1 1/2 hours north of San Francisco)

This fabulous MUST SEE show by the Center for the Arts, Sebastopol in collaboration with the Surface Design Association includes about 17 woven pieces of the 80 works selected from 500 entries, two come from San Francisco’s Loom & Shuttle Guild: Deborah Corsini and Wendy Bertrand. International Fiber Arts 8 Promo   (pdf via my website with […]

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Web Manager Position Opening

CNCH has an opening for web manager.  Currently the Web Manager maintains it as a Word Press website.  Applicants should have the following technical skills:  WordPress, HTML, CSS PHP, and knowledge of image/graphics software such as Photoshop or Photoshop Element.  The Manager would be responsible for the technical and legal aspects of the website and […]

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No, not the Merino nor the Rambouillet, we will always want soft, lustrous wool. And, no, not the Suffolk or other farmed sheep for meat. But did you know that of the 1400 or so breeds of sheep around the world, over one-third of these breeds are in danger of extinction? By seeking out fibers […]

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