SWSG – April meeting

The Sacramento Weavers’ and Spinners’ Guild is pleased to host Linda Hartshorn who will present a Textile Tour of Guatemala featuring the traditional weaving of complex textiles on simple back strap looms. Linda is known for her unique dye work and use of color in her hand-woven textiles. Tuesday, April 28th, 10 AM – 12 […]

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  If you are not able to attend CNCH’s beautiful Asilomar Conference, Treadles to Threads is offering this workshop at two different locations after Sarah’s stint at Asilomar. Sarah is a wonderful teacher and all around spinning enthusiast. You may have seen her books and videos which are great and quite popular right now. Here is your […]

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Save the Date! SWSG Open House, February 14th and 15th, 2015

The Sacramento Weavers’ and Spinner’s Guild will have their Open House on Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 14th and 15th, 10AM to 4 PM at the Shepard Garden and Arts Center, 3330 McKinley Blvd., Sacramento 95816. Our theme this year is “Spin Me a Yarn, Weave Me a Tale” and will feature demonstrations of weaving, Navajo […]

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SWSG November Meeting

The Sacramento Weavers’ and Spinners’ Guild is happy to host Laverne Waddington, an expert in the traditional weaving techniques of indigenous weavers of Latin America. She will be speaking on the topic “Backstrap Weaving in South America”. Tuesday, November 25th, 10 am to 12:00 pm, Shepard Garden and Arts Center, 3330 McKinley Boulevard, Sacramento, 95816. […]

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Loom and Shuttle Show and Sale

Loom and Shuttle Guild of San Francisco  presents a Show and Sale of Handwovens.  November 8 and 9, 11 am to 6 pm.  Part of Open Studios.  Farrar Studios, 1610 Post St. #302, San Francisco.   Wearables, textiles for the home, and scarves

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SWSG October meeting

The Sacramento Weavers’ and Spinners’ Guild is pleased to host Joan Ruane, an expert on spinning cellulose fibers. She will be speaking on Industrial Hemp and its use in US history. In the afternoon there will be a small workshop on spinning cotton on a Takli spindle. Tuesday, October 28, 10 am to 2:00 pm, […]

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Textile Arts Council will present Helen Koo, Assistant Professor, University of California, Davis who will present “Wearable Technology and E-Textiles, Saturday September 27, 2014. 10am. Koret Auditorium, deYoung Museum, San Francisco. Admission is free to TAC members, $10 for non-members and $5 for Museum members and students with ID.

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The Sacramento Weavers’ and Spinners’ Guild

is pleased to host Jennifer Moore, author of “The Weaver’s Studio: Doubleweave”, who be speaking on the ancient technique of weaving two layers of cloth simultaneously. Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 10:00am to 2:00pm, Shepard Garden and Arts Center, 3330 McKinley Boulevard, Sacramento, 95816. $3.00 donation for non-mem For information, call 916 504.0039.

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CNCHnet Fall 2014

  Creativity lies at the heart of all of us, especially here in our special community of artists and craftspeople, where, I believe, there is a higher concentration of innovators and experimenters. I’ve always been a firm believer that my creative impulses come from practice and a willingness to take chances on weird ideas and to […]

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Updated Call for Entry – CA State Fair

California Crafts The Handcraft, Fiber Art &Needlework and Quilt competition of the California State Fair invites California residents 18 years of age and older to enter. All entered items must have been completed in the past two years. Online Entry is now available Entry Deadline – Friday, April 25, 2014 Entry Fee – $10 for Handcraft […]

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