2013 Conference Scholarship – UPDATE

REMINDER! The deadline for applying for your Area’s scholarship is fast approaching. The Conference Scholarship is a wonderful way to attend the TEXTILE * GAMES in 2013 and spread your knowledge to your local guilds in exchange! The form is simple to fill in, and can be found HERE. If you wish to view and […]

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Program update for 2013 TEXTILE <span style='font-family:courier'>*</span> GAMES

Dear CNCH members, We have some bad news and some great news to report regarding the line-up of classes for CNCH 2013. The bad news is that due to an unforeseen scheduling conflict, Peggy Osterkamp has just informed us that she will be unable to teach at CNCH 2013, Textile * Games. Obviously, some of […]

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Sacramento Weavers’ and Spinners’ Guild October Meeting

The speaker for the October meeting will be Carol Shu, who will present her project, Soulcraft Clothing: Linking Indian Handicrafts with Sustainable Design. Her designs are the synthesis of her experiences in India interning for two organizations that support women artisans. Carol explores how fashion design can advance women’s cultural, economic and social wellbeing in […]

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October 6th Loom & Shuttle Meeting – Judith Jackson

“Design Inspiration for Costuming” will be the title of the talk at Loom and Shuttle on October 6. The speaker will be Judith Jackson. Loom and Shuttle guild meets the first Saturday of the even-numbered months.  Meetings start with a meet and greet at 9:30 with the business meeting and program starting at 10.  Meetings […]

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Studio 49 7th Annual Retreat

Join us for our 7th Annual Retreat in the MotherLode September 28-30. This year the retreat will return to the beautiful Tuolumne Trails (http://tuolumnetrails.org/), a family-based camp built on 80 scenic mountain acres of Sierra Nevada wilderness, seven miles east of Groveland.  It is spacious, comfortable and very inviting, and we think it will delight you. […]

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Loom & Shuttle Annual Pot Luck

The Loom & Shuttle Guild will have its annual potluck and swap and sell at the August 4th meeting.   Members bring yarns, books and weaving tools to the meeting to sell, swap or give away.  10% of sales go to support the guild. Members bring a savory or sweet dish to share.  Remember to bring […]

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CNCH 2012 – now on Twitter!

If you twitter – follow all the updates for the conference right at the conference! Know when demos are starting, when and where a volunteer is needed, when the grab and go lunch is ready! twitter.com/CNCH 2012

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Need to Know What to Bring for Your Class at CNCH 2012?

Many of the teachers for the upcoming conference (13 days away!) have emailed their students with class lists.  If you have not received a list, or have lost that email you can check here in the class descriptions.  At the bottom of each description is a list of the items the teacher is expecting you […]

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Come Share in the Fun at Traditions/Innovations!

There are still plenty of opportunities to be a participant in the conference May 18 – 20- 2012! Check out the volunteer sign up page here, to find a job and a slot that fits your time and talents.  Volunteering for 2 hours earns you a free day pass! The Make-it, Take-it activities in the […]

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