CNCH 2025 EHill







Elisabeth Hill

metaweave example

What appeals more to a weaver than weaving that looks like weaving? Elisabeth calls it “meta”and we call it super cool!

In this round-robin class you’ll explore multiple structures that can be used to produce images of weaving – most commonly, a large scale depiction of a plain weave interlacement.

And you can achieve that in many ways: you’ll use lace weaves, deflected double weave, tied weaves and more, along with profile drafting, to learn about, design and weave samples with this “metaweave” design idea in mind.

SKILL LEVEL:  Able to warp a loom, change tie-up and follow a draft.

EQUIPMENT:  4, 8 or 12-shaft loom (sample choices for 4 are limited – so 8-12 is best), warped with 8/2 (or 22/2) Cotton or Cottolin; weft materials to correspond to warp, shuttles, bobbins, notebook/pen, scissors, tapestry needle, measuring tape.

PRE-WORKSHOP PREP:  Full instructions approximately a month prior to class, but the students must have their looms well warped and ready to weave at the beginning of class.



Elisabeth (Lisa) Hill is a weaving enthusiast. She has been weaving for almost 30 years, and completed a 6-year Master Weaver Program at Hill Institute in Florence, MA in 2012. Elisabeth was a tech editor for, and is a frequent contributor to, Handwoven and Little Looms Magazines. She has taught at guilds, weaving conferences and folk schools across the country and has kept a weaving blog since 2010.


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