CNCHnet Journal: The Midspring Issue


Mid-Spring Musings

Cathy Koos

As I write this, we are enjoying a lovely spring day but the sky is promising a change.  The almond trees and daffodils are almost finished, but the honeybees have found sustenance in the rosemary and lavender blossoms.  I wish I knew where these honeybees lived because their honey must be a fantastic collection of flavors.


I thank the Carmel Crafts Guild, Humboldt Handweavers Guild, and the Loom and Shuttle Guild for sharing their newsletters!  It’s always fun to see what the various guilds are doing.


Carmel Crafts Guild



Carmel Crafts Guild

Carmel Crafts Guild is celebrating over 75 years of guild history.  Congratulations!  Co-secretary Kristi Nelson also announced a guild workshop on upcycled journals, with covers ranging from those “what were you thinking” leather pants to old purses.  Please share pictures!




Loom and Shuttle

Deborah Chiarucci of  San Francisco-based Loom and Shuttle  has revived their newsletter after a hiatus and reported on her visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York to see the John C. Weber Collection of beautiful kimono.  Some of the kimono were woven with mountain wisteria bast fiber.




Humboldt Handweavers

Humboldt Handweavers had a program on weaving in Laos, Thailand and Cambodia by long-time textile artisan Janet Finch.  They are also prepping for the well-visited county fair later this summer.



If you would like to share your guild’s news, please add me to your newsletter distribution at   The next issue comes out August 1, so the deadline for submissions in July 10, 2024.


Ullarvikan á Suðurlandi 2024 // South Iceland Wool Week 2024   Follow them on Instagram or Facebook; sign up for their newsletter here for details.


Pacific Textile Arts in Fort Bragg shares this beautiful presentation of the weaving traditions of Australian Aboriginal women.  Enjoy!





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