CNCHnet Journal: The MidWinter Edition


Cathy Koos, Editor

Welcome to the midwinter edition of the CNCHnet Journal.  I am painstakingly typing this with one hand.  In late October I had planned major reconstructive foot surgery.  I knew I would be off my feet for two weeks and on crutches and a surgical boot for six to eight more weeks.  No driving for at least a month, so I planned my Christmas knitting, had a stash of trashy novels, and planned a stay with a dear friend.

What I did not plan was injuring my hand the week before Christmas.   I finally got my hand surgery January 3 at Mercy in Sacramento with the most amazing Dr Hoang.   Knitting and basket weaving projects still UFOs….


Enjoy the lengthening days as Spring approaches and Not A Winter comes to an end.  Get out and savor the fresh air, listen for birds returning to our gardens, and start your tomato seeds this week!


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