We all have leftovers. Not only food, but in our yarn collections and fabric stashes and items we bought for workshops that were fun but are never going to be used again, at least by us.
And we all hate to waste things. One never knows when some scrap in our stash will be just the thing to embellish, finish or fill in a project. In truth, most will probably molder at the back of our stashes and be tossed.
However, there are things to do with them and, with the holidays rapidly approaching, it may be time to start on projects that use up some of your leftovers and can be used as gifts. Following is a selection:
Wendy Chavin has made up several bags using plastic newspaper sleeves as the weft.

Shopping bags
These bags have a very nice feel- they don’t feel like plastic! Of course the plastic bags she used are very soft but she also used soft and thick warp threads. She said the warps were made from yarns in her stash that she was never going to use because of the color, fiber content, or there wasn’t enough of it for any project other than the bags. She used the unloved yarns to make her handles, too. She did them with a kumihimo disk.
SusanReichardt used many of her leftover yarns to knit toilet roll covers.

The Book by Pat Ashforth & Steve Plummer

animals and a sweater

The Sheep

and more
She made a whole book worth of these and they are destined to be presents.
Elaine Peterson injured her arm and has been unable to weave recently. However she still can knit. She made knitted and felted slippers for all of her relatives.

The Book

Back of the bunny


The bunnies

more bunnies

the horse

Best Friends
This was written to get your creative juices flowing. What are you going to make? Send pictures!!