LOOK! And you will see delightful and interesting fiber and fabric everywhere. My favorite this Summer has been the window decor at my favorite shop in San Francisco—The Ribbonerie at the corner of Spruce and Sacramento.

Dress woven of ribbon by Richard Bohonsky of Martin Richards Design
Those of us who attended Convergence in Reno were amazed and impressed by the exhibits, the classes and the vendors’ market—-WOW!
The estimated attendance at Convergence was 1,000! There were so many people that the Fashion Show had to be performed twice!
I think it’s important to expand our views. If we become too complacent we, and our ideas, become —hoo-hum — boring. That is why I think it is good for me and you to find out what others are up to in the fiber world.
This issue should help expand our fiber views. Not only do we have Bill Jackson’s diary, we have articles on printing, dying, embroidery and basketry.
Read on and let me know what else you would like to see in print.
Judy Fisher, Editor