Spring 2018

We are about half way to Spring by the calendar but Northern California has it’s own rhythm for the changing of seasons.  ‘La Nina’ seems to be in control of the weather pattern this year and has provided gentle rains to our area, which is a very good thing.  So far, we haven’t had any of the torrential rains and horrific mud slides that have afflicted areas of Southern California.

The scars of our recent fires are getting fainter as the grass is coming up and trees that somehow withstood the conflagration are sending out new shoots and new leaves.  Life does go on!

So, Dear Readers, this issue of CNCHnet is all about weaving. The first article is about a new place to go for weaving, spinning, knitting , dying, felting and fellowship.  Alisha Reyes has just opened Fiber Circle Studio in Cotati and invites you and all who are interested in fiber arts to come by and try your hand at the various crafts and sign up for classes  without having to purchase lots of equipment. This seems like a very good idea and we all wish her success.

We have two articles on the HGA/CNCH Conference/Convergence taking place in Reno in July.  This is really a big deal to have such an extravaganza so close to us.  I hope many of you signed up.  If you have members who are very competitive, now is the time to organize and practice for the  Sheep to Shawl smack down. Really!  The have more slots to fill and it would be fun to walk away knowing that you tried and finished and maybe won that competiton.  P.S. There is prize money involved!!

Are you a computer geek?  Judy Tipple outlines how Ravelry can help your craft. Also, check out Saori weaving and weaving in New Mexico.  And Sue Hayes attempted to weave a camouflage vest.  Check out her article and see if you can find her.

Now is a good time to sit back and enjoy this issue of CNCHnet.

Click here for the first article.

Judy Fisher, Editor
