Come to CNCH 2012 and learn something new, shop and be inspired!
We are offering 39 classes in 3 and 6 hour segments. There are a wide range of classes by some returning popular teachers and some new ones as well. Please see what wonderful things they do and will teach. All information is available on under 2012 conference.
The dates are May 18-20, 2012 at the Oakland Convention Center and Marriott Hotel. We are taking over most of the center so it is essentially us at the venue. It is a wonderful intimate venue to get together with friends. We will have an area for spinners to spend time with their wheels and friends. We will have vendors in the Market Place to add to your stash. Don’t fiber artists say that he who has the most stash at the end wins? We will have lots of that to get you into the stash race.
Our galleries will be wonderful with various categories to enter. Our judging system will look at your one item and judge it against itself on a criteria scale. It will not be judged against anyone else’s item. This will hopefully encourage new weavers as well as those with computer controlled looms and more experienced weavers. We really want to encourage new weavers, spinners and basket makers. We would love to see your entries in the galleries and remember they do not need to be juried if you do not want that. We are inspired by the galleries and what people put into them. I think we all go home with inspired ideas of what we would like to make.
Our Fashion Show is always a big hit. It is so wonderful to see what people have made into garments or accessories. The Fashion Show will be Friday night. Saturday night will be the Banquet. We are honoring Peggy Osterkamp as our keynote speaker.
She is a real institution in our area with her classes and books. So many people credit her with tips and techniques of weaving. We will also feature a retrospective of her weavings in a special gallery.
We encourage you to attend the conference. One of the purposes of CNCH.Inc is to put on a conference each year for members. It is a chance to take classes from top notch teachers from around the country, buy from our favorite vendors and be inspired by the Fashion Show and galleries.
Please check and the conference information on the left side of the CNCH Home Page to see the latest information as well as entry forms for registration and the galleries.
Put CNCH 2012 on your calendar and register beginning Nov 1 at 9 AM! You may also register by mail but you will know immediately what classes you have if you do it online. There will be link at on our conference site on Nov 1 to get to Regonline.
Come, buy, learn, be inspired and visit with friends and enjoy!
Click on creating to see how one guild prepared for a prior Conference.