CNCH 2025 GMatthews







Spin the World
Gigi Matthews

Around the World in Eighty… fibers!! Gigi Matthews has brought her spinner’s curiosity to more than 30 countries on our beautiful planet, and she’s going to share it all with you. Gigi’s classroom tables are piled high with a smorgasbord of interesting fibers, as she shares her experiences with words and many photos. 

You’ll compose batts of amazing color and texture and learn spinning techniques for the various materials used, while learning about Himalayan nettles and forests that produce wild tussah silk; flax and Egyptian mummies; ancient traditions of hemp in Japan and its more recent history in colonial America; Indian saris; tropical kapok trees; and more!

This workshop is for spindle or wheel spinners of any level, and everyone leaves with either a skein composed of fibers from around the world, or a reference booklet of sample yarns from all the fibers and blends. 

SKILL LEVEL: Students must be able to spin with a spindle or spinning wheel. (Spinning instruction will not be provided).

EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: A spinning wheel or spindle is the only equipment that a student must bring to class. Students are welcome to bring any other spinning supplies, although a yarn gauge, a niddynoddy, and handcarders will be available to share.  Students are encouraged to bring fiber arts items from around the world to show to the class, such as textiles, tools, fiber, books, or photos. 



Decades of travel to over 30 countries has given Gigi a deep appreciation for textiles and their history. Originally from Vancouver, Canada, she has lived in Australia, the UK, and now reside in New York City.

Gigi makes handspun yarns with wool from rare breed sheep, plant fibers, and reclaimed & upcycled materials. She has taught handspinning for guilds, the MidAtlantic Fiber Association, and the John C Campbell Folk School and has published articles in Ply Magazine and Shuttle, Spindle & Dyepot. Her focus is on sustainability, and she offers talks on how guilds can become more eco friendly.


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