CNCH 2025 RSpady






Designing and Weaving 21st Century Tweeds
Robyn Spady

One of the most iconic garments in the history of fashion is the French cardigan-style jacket made famous by Coco Chanel.  But, have you ever thought about the fabric used in these jackets?  They are “weaverly” in a variety of ways.  Color and texture abound!  

Designing and weaving tweeds in the 21st century is also liberating.  You can go down a path of weaving with non-traditional materials to add that little extra something special, eye-catching, or just plain . . . odd.  How fun!

In this workshop, Robyn will share with you exciting ideas for creating fabrics ready for a Paris runway.  You will pre-warp your loom nearly all the way (by leaving space here and there for some extra warp ends) and finish warping in the workshop.  Then you can unleash your creativity and explore the possibilities.  This workshop is perfect for rigid heddle looms and 4 to 8 shaft looms.

SKILL LEVEL: Advanced beginner (must be able to pre-warp a loom).

EQUIPMENT: Pre-warped loom (rigid heddle to multi-shaft), shuttles (stick shuttles are acceptable), bobbins, scissors, yarn same as warp yarns, novelty yarns (optional)

PRE-WORKSHOP PREP: Pre-warp a loom leaving eight empty heddles distributed across the warp


Photo of Robyn Spady

Robyn Spady was introduced to handweaving at a young age and has been weaving for over 50 years.  She completed HGA’s Certificate of Excellence in Handweaving (COE-W) in 2004.  Robyn is fascinated by the infinite possibilities of crossing threads, and loves coming up with new ideas to create fabric.  Robyn is also the founder and editor of Heddlecraft® magazine.



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