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Cameron Taylor-Brown at Diablo Weavers

Diablo Weavers Guild is hosting Cameron Taylor-Brown at their monthly meeting on February 17th. Cameron’s talk will be:  Color in Cloth:  The Weaves You Want and Why.” We are excited to have Cameron come and spend some time with us and would like to invite our fellow fiber enthusiasts to join us. From Cameron’s website […]

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Preview of The Market Place at CNCH 2012:

The Market Place committee for CNCH 2012 has been busy and the contracts are coming back from the vendors!  The CNCH conference website (click on: The Market Place) has a full listing of the vendors to date and more will appear on the list as the contracts are finalized.  So check back often.  Day registrants […]

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Spring is in the Air

Happy Groundhog Day!! Spring is coming– and to prove it- go to the Spring issue of CNCHnet.  The focus is felting. Members contributed articles that ranged from felting toys to –well— felting worlds! Click on the CNCHnet button to see what else is new!

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