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Polly Jacobs-Giacchina at Loom and Shuttle

On Saturday, Feb 4, Polly Jacobs-Giacchina will speak at Loom and Shuttle Guild in San Francisco. Polly is a fiber artist from Southern California whose passion is textiles in sculptural form using hand weaving techniques. She continually uses shape and structure to through her twined sculptures and wall hangings. Her work is shown in galleries […]

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Lia Cook at the deYoung

The Textile Arts Council program on Saturday, January 21, 2012 at 10 a.m. will be a talk by fiber artist Lia Cook entitled “Faces, Mazes, and Fiber Tracts”.  Koret Auditorium at the de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. Free to TAC members, $5 for museum members and students, $10 for nonmembers.

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Weave Your Best and Enter Your Pieces in the Shows!

An explanation of the jurying process for the Gallery and Fashion Shows at CNCH 2012: The purpose of judging by jury is to enhance the quality of the work being done by the individuals and groups, and to provide exhibitors with an evaluation by impartial experts which might otherwise be unavailable within guilds. Items submitted […]

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