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2012 Conference Info Online Now

Tradition/Innovation – the 2012 Conference is coming. The dates are May 18-20, 2012 and the place is the Oakland Convention Center. Everything you wanted to know (almost) about classes, teachers, galleries, and events is online now. You can start reading all about it on the 2012 conference page.  Important dates that are coming up soon:  • Deadline for […]

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Sheila O’Hara, Saturday, Oct 1

Loom and Shuttle Guild will host Sheila O’Hara on Saturday, Oct 1 in San Francisco.  Sheila will share her experiences developing her unique weaving structures of early works as well as her more recent explorations in jacquard weaving.  Additionally, she has done  consulting in Egypt, was an invited participant at the Lisio Foundation symposium in Florence, […]

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Shrink to Fit

Avatar, Lord of the Rings, those costume designers would have gotten a jolt in the arm with the inspiration of Jean Williams Cacicedo.   We delighted to have her as our October speaker at the Tamalpais’ Weavers Guild.  Please squeeze into a parking place,  sidle through the front door, wedge into a seat, and hear from the self […]

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