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Volunteer Pay

Every once in awhile I am reminded why I volunteer.  Yesterday was one of those days.  Kris Peerand and I, your intrepid ”webteam”, traveled to Santa Rosa with the express purpose to do some picture gathering to enhance the banner of this web site.  We met with Linda Cannefax, Ina Stess, and Nancy Duncan at […]

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Dotty Calabrese to Teach Beginning Weaving Workshop

  This 3-day intensive class will introduce the student to the basics of pattern weaving and color/texture weaving, using a 4-shaft table or floor loom.  Students will complete several pre-warped samples as well as designing, warping, and weaving an entire scarf.  Materials fee includes materials for samples and scarf.  Table looms and one floor loom […]

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Spin Me A Story Weave Me A Tale CNCH 2011

Spin Me A Story Weave Me A Tale CNCH 2011 in Sutter Creek “He ketched a frog one day and took him home and said he cal’lated to educate him; and so he never done nothing for three months but set in his back yard and learn that frog to jump. And you bet he […]

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