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Spin Me A Story Weave Me a Tale

“The self-taught man seldom knows anything accurately, and he does not know a tenth as much as he could have known if he had worked under teachers.”             Mark Twain Great teachers will be poised, waiting to “leap” at CNCH 2011 to share their expertise. Sara Lamb’s class is now full. Other classes are approaching capacity. […]

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Spindles & Flyers Workshop on Paper Making

Art Paper from Junk Mail A Paper Making Workshop with Frank Mikulastik Spindles & Flyers Guild is proud to present a class for anyone who has ever felt overwhelmed by junk mail.  Frank Mikulastik will teach us how to turn unwanted mail and advertising into beautiful paper.  Bring your unwanted colorful junk mail and advertising […]

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Did someone notice the holiday season is here?

Help!  My calendar says it is November.  There are expectations for clever people like us for hand made gifts.  Our friends and family depend on them year to year.  You are not going to get away with a department store purchase.  So how about learning a completely new technique now and ply your friends with all the experimental […]

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