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CNCHnet Winter Issue is now Online

The Winter edition of CNCHnet, the e-journal from CNCH, is online starting today.  This issue explores creativity and inspiration and ways that artists approach their art to stimulate their creative juices. Featured are an interview with deYoung Curator, Jill D’Alessandro, which explores her thought processes as she put together To Dye For: A World of […]

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Santa Cruz Handweavers Guild Meeting

The Santa Cruz Handweavers Guild welcomes Joy Totah Hilden as its November meeting speaker.  Since 1982, Joy had done field research on Bedouin weaving.  With her husband, who taught in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, she traveled near and far in search of weaves whose knowledge of this fast-disappearing craft that she wants to […]

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Black Sheep Handweavers Guild Oct 21st Meeting

Using a Knitting Machine for Multicolor Dyeing Our guest speaker, Nancy Roberts uses a knitting machine as a tool for multicolor dyeing. By dyeing knitted fabric, rather than dyeing skeins, she produces yarns with controlled repeats of color in subtle gradations. She uses her specially dyed yarns in knitting, weaving, crocheting and felting. An article […]

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