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2010 Conference Spotlight: Cabochon in Macrame Setting

Cabochon in Macrame Setting Create a stunning piece of jewelry, a brooch or an amulet, by learning to position a gemstone cabochon in a macramé setting of stems, leaves and leaflets and flowers. The only pre-requisite is that you download the double half-hitch tutorials from Marion Hunziker-Larsen’s webpage and practice the technique before you come […]

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2010 Conference Spotlight: Software, Structure, and Design

Software, Structure, and Design So you have a multi-shaft loom, maybe even one with a computer interface, and you don’t feel you have ever really learned to use its full potential. Computers and multi-shaft looms are a match made in heaven. Learn how the design software available today can help you move from inspiration to […]

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2010 Conference Spotlight: More than Just Black and White

More than Just Black and White: Weaving Beautifully with Neutrals Contrary to what you might think, neutrals can be used to dramatic effect, as well as to create a soft mood. Join Betty Vera in exploring muted colors, blacks, whites, browns, grays, and beiges, and their uses with textured and smooth yarns as well as […]

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