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State Fair Entry

It’s time again to submit your entry to the California State Fair. Hand Crafts submissions are due April 27; Fine Arts, May 4 – these can be done online! Let’s show California how amazing we are! California Crafts  

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Elemental Tapestry: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water

  Elemental Tapestry: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water   An exhibition of Tapestry Weavers West member’s work (members of various CNCH guilds) June 13 – September 9, 2016 Mills Building—220 Montgomery Street—San Francisco, CA 94104 Opening Reception: June 16, 2016, 5:30-7:30pm

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Ruth Anderson – Textiles in Japan

Ruth Anderson has been interested in Japanese textiles, especially tsutsugaki (paste-resist surface design) and kasuri (ikat) textiles for many years, and visited textile collections and museums in Japan several times. She is an Advisor to the Board of the Textile Arts Council, Fine Arts Museums. Previously, as Program Chair, she organized lectures on East Asian […]

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