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Sacramento Weavers’ & Spinners’ Guild

The Sacramento Weavers’ and Spinners’ Guild is pleased to host Sara Lamb, who has been spinning, dyeing, weaving, knitting and learning new things for 35 years. The morning program will focus on the many aspects of weaving, spinning and dyeing. During the afternoon, Sara will give tips on spinning silk (bring your own fiber and […]

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Walnut Creek Job Opportunity

So it is official. My job as coordinator for the textile program at Civic Arts is up for grabs. If you are interested in applying or know someone who might fit the bill, pass it on. Civic Arts is looking to expand the textile program, adding sewing, quilting, felting, basketry, all the fuzzy arts. Not just […]

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Fiber and Dye

          The biodiversity of plant-based fibers and dyes is vast! The University of California Botanical Garden at Berkeley invites you to learn more about the world of natural fibers and dyes. From traditional uses to inspired future innovation in eco-fashion and textiles, a walk through our exhibit illuminates the connection of […]

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