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Sacramento Weavers’ & Spinners’ Guild

Lorna Miser, a local expert on dyeing and knitting, will present a program on creating projects using hand-dyed yarns. Lorna will talk about how hand-dyed yarns are created, how to predict what they will do, and how to choose yarns for different projects. Knitting techniques that work well with hand-dyed yarns will be demonstrated. Everyone […]

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Scholarship Raffle 2014

You have all heard of getting something from nothing and making a silk purse from a sow’s ear. Basically, it’s making something wonderful–or at least nice– out of scraps that might normally be thrown away. Since we are all fiber artists, we all have scraps. The pieces left after cutting out a garment, the thrums lefts after you’ve […]

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Sacramento Weavers’ & Spinners’ Guild

    “New World Technology Meets Old World Textiles in Egypt and Italy,” is the title of the morning presentation by Sheila O’Hara. In Egypt, Sheila analyzed antique jacquard ribbons and weaving prototypes. She will talk about her adventures in Egypt and explain the various processes involved in the creation of these wonderfully intricate textiles. […]

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