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Sacramento Weavers and Spinners Guild

Laverne Waddington, backstrap weaver and teacher has been traveling the world sharing her skill of weaving on the backstrap loom. The Sacramento Weavers and Spinners Guild is fortunate to welcome Laverne as she lectures on Weaving on Simple Looms in South America. April 4, 2013, 7:00pm to 9:00pm, 2418 “O” Street, Sacramento, CA, 95816. Free.Near […]

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Emergency Appeal – San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles

Dear Friends: It has come time to share with you the difficult news that the Museum is under serious financial duress, and if we don’t raise $80,000 for operating costs by March 31 the Museum will be forced to close in the near future. All areas of revenue at the Museum have experienced a decline […]

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TEXTILE <span class='sans serif'> * </span> GAMES – The Drop Spindle Slalom Race

I had a conversation with Sue Robertson who is organizing the drop spindle slalom just so that I could pass on all the “fine print” rules that weren’t mentioned in the CNCH booklet. It turns out you may use your own spindle, or race officials will lend you one of their super duper CD spindles. […]

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