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Gallery and Fashion Show Entry Deadlines Extended!

Entry deadlines for the Fashion Show and the Galleries have been extended to May 1, 2012! If you were thinking of entering, and just didn’t get that entry in the mail, or the item is still on the loom, or still being sewn – now is your chance!  Fill out the form and get it […]

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Deadlines and Details for Return to Sender:

A spinning challenge! “Return to Sender” is an event where spinners create unique and wonderful yarn with fiber especially hand dyed just for the 2012 Conference. The finished yarn is returned to CNCH to be judged (optional) and displayed at the conference. This year we have chosen Blue Faced Leicester and Tussah silk (85/15) dyed […]

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Quick Reminder – Gallery & Fashion Show Entries Due!

Entries for the galleries and fashion show for CNCH 2012 are due on Monday, April 2nd!  Tomorrow is the day to get them in the mail! Return to Sender and Return of Return to Sender are due a bit later – watch for details.

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